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Frist I would like to thank you very much for taking the time to browse here!


My name is Fanny (I know I know I want to talk about health but my name means butt… This is very credible), I am 26 and constantly moving between France, the US and Spain.


This blog was supposed to be called “Healthuck” (healthy and the F-word or healthy and yuck either way) but it would have been slightly too negative :)


When I read about health, diet or just healthy lifestyle in general I start sweating because I know how hard it is to achieve so I thought it would be good for me to share my weight loss and new healthy lifestyle journey with you.


You will be able to find here the tips and tricks that worked/works for me, recipes that I like and that are super easy (easy is always the key for me), my routines (regimen and workout), the results I have so far.


This blog is going to be my diary so you might find some other stuff not related at all with health such as travels, fashion, etc. I hope you’ll enjoy your time here! If not, let me know how to improve!


Xxx Fanny
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