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Why? What? How?

How did all this started?

Let’s talk about the past first and my “eating profile”:

  • At 6-8, I was fairly chubby and loved food (that didn’t change)

  • I became very skinny when I was in middle school and high school (didn’t realize it at that time, damn I should have enjoyed those years more). I was living with my parents eating pretty much everything they were cooking (my parents are not really the healthy kind, I always had the widest cool snack options of all my friends J, when I say cool I mean sweet/fat cool)

  • Then started college and taking the pill: not living with my parents anymore I thought I could eat everything and drink more that I probably should. At the beginning I didn’t realized that I was getting a little bigger.

  • At the end of my master degree I realized I have gained about 25 pounds! As my transformation was pretty slow, about 8 years, I never realized it and I never really hated my body. Until I saw more and more pictures in which I could barely recognize myself. It was the trigger!

What about now?

I am working out consistently since September but haven’t changed my diet at that time. It has been 2 weeks that I am officially on a readjustment; emphasize the readjustment I refuse to talk about diet!

Diets DO NOT work! I want a lifestyle change not just a weight change.

In September I was 173 lbs, I am now at 168.5 lbs. Not a huge loss but it is partly because I just started eating better and I gained muscle weight.

I can see a difference in my body even it is not totally perceptible yet by my family. My boyfriend sees a huge difference but I will ever admit that as I am pretty pessimist about that.

My target weight goal is 150 lbs but I am more interested in seeing my body getting thinner that the number on the scale.

Next post will be about working out amd how to make it a routine. xxx

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