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From a lazy girl to a working-out afficionada

How do you start?

I am not going to lie to start working out you need to be able to kick your own ass and find motivation somewhere. And god knows how motivation can be a bitch sometimes.

Why would you go work your ass off at the gym when you can stay in your bed binge watching on Netflix while eating popcorn (my life before)?

First step:

From a personal experience, I would recommend building a list of what type of exercice you would like to do -or should I say of what you would rather do. I understood pretty fast that self motivation is not one of my strength; I would rather die that go for a run for example or stay 2 hours on an elliptical. So my list was looking like this:

- Hike

- Bike

- Classes type Zumba, LesMills, ...

- Yoga? (I am still not sure about this one)

Then I thought the 2 first were very easy ones that I should do on the weekend and not as part of my main activity.

Second step:

You have to make some research which gym, swimming pool, yoga classes, etc (it works pretty much for everything) fits the best your expectations. In the social media era, go online and read tons of reviews that will help you picturing the place better.

Third step:

LOCATION! Yes in caps because for me it is the main parameter for motivation. Choose something close to where you live, where you work or on your way to places you go regularly. I cannot emphasize the fact that the closer and more convenient it is the easiest it will be to go.

What did I choose?

I started working out 2 years ago when I was still living in France. And what made sense to me was to find a gym that offers classes of different types (didn't wanted to be stuck with the same boring ones). With my boyfriend we visited one and really ended up liking the place and the different options available. Moreover, the location was perfect 5 minutes walking from my work place and on my way back home.

I started to bring my workout gear at work 3-4 times a week. Bringing a sport bag helps a lot for the motivation.

The classes were designed by the LesMills program and I loved it! It was fun but super intense and it got me hooked! I never worked out by myself on machines; I was all about the classes: Bodycombat, Bodyattack, Bodypump, Bodybalance, etc. If you want more information please go and check their page it is really well explained:

Don't be scared by the bodybuilded models, the classes are actually suitable for eveyone as each exercice can be done differently depending on the person. I started Aquabiking too and it was so good for my skin and cellulite.

Result: Being consistent for 8 months, my body got toned a little but I didn't change my eating habits so no weight loss in sight.

Then I moved to Spain for 3 months and couldn't find a gym that I liked or was I too lazy tanning on the beach...

Result: Lost the working out habits and my body came back to what it was previously.

After that I moved to the US and decided that it was time to start working out again with a strict routine. Same thing I found a gym 5 minutes from my work by car and I loved every second of it. The program is called Kosama ( and they do only classes. There are no machines, no mirrors, no "full make up on girls" comparing each others, no guys on steroids trying to win "the world biggest biceps". Each day is a different class. It has been 7 months already that I am going 4-6 times a week for 45 minutes.

Result: A more toned body with the apparition of muscles I had no idea even existed. I am starting to see results, weight loss wise, as I changed my eating habits for 2 weeks now.

What's next?

I leave for Spain in a month so I will have to find a gym there. I looked online and I have seen one that is 5 minutes walking from the apartment I will be in. It has the LesMills program so it should be good.

I feel super proud of myself regarding my workouts that I don't want - refuse to stop! I always thought I hated sports in general but I was just lying to myself and too lazy to admit it, truth is I love the feeling of working out now, the muscles that burn, the heavy sweating, the soreness, the exhaustion,.. I learned how to enjoy it and I am sure once you find something that suits you well it is easy to keep on going.

I hope all this can help some you! I was in such a bad path that now I want to push others to do the same. If you have any crazy good experience with sport or if you have great advice that I forgot do hesitate to tell me!

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