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How one App made things easier!

As I told you in a previous article, I was not educated at all to nutrition and what to do to be healthy. I didn't care about calories and barely knew that we were supposed to respect a certain amount of calories allowed per day.

When I started working, I felt like I needed to track what I was eating and adding the exercice I was doing. That is why I came across this application: My Fitness Pal.

I have to say that it changed everything for me!

The app is very easy to use and the database of meals is huuuge. It means that if you go to a restaurant (especially chains) you can type the name of the entree and it will find the complete nutrition chart associated.

It made my life so much easier and I have been very consistent with it. It shows my weight progression with charts and statistics.

My days are now much more balanced as I keep track of everything. It might be a little excessive to note everything but it is so easy I would recommend it to evryone who's trying to be more careful with their eating habits.

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